
CBD MASSAGE OIL for PAIN RELIEF is great for massage therapists that want to offer premium massage to their customers. CBD and other essential oils in this blend are a great and powerful combination for topical relief and soothing to your muscles. If you would like a convenient spray to take around with you throughout the day to rub into sore spots for immediate relief then this is the product for you! If you are not happy then Potluck Expo will provide a refund.

Bottle Size: 1oz

Ingredients: Love, Coconut Oil, 1000mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Arnica, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Frankincense, St. Johns Wort, Calendula, Gotu Kola, Ginger, Hemp Terpenes

Directions: Spray on the skin or hands in excess and rub into the skin for deep pain penetration


Available in Bulk Bottle Size for CBD Massage Therapists and Health Professionals




CBD SPRAY – PAIN RELIEF MASSAGE OIL is great for massage therapists that want to offer premium massage to their customers. CBD and other essential oils in this blend are a great and powerful combination for topical relief and soothing to your muscles. If you would like a convenient spray to take around with you throughout the day to rub into sore spots for immediate relief then this is the product for you! If you are not happy then Potluck Expo will provide a refund.

Bottle Size: 1oz

Ingredients: Love, Coconut Oil, Hemp Extract, Arnica, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Frankincense, St. Johns Wort, Calendula, Gotu Kola, Ginger, Hemp Terpenes

Directions: Spray on and rub into the skin

Available in Bulk Bottle Size

Why does Hemp CBD and other cannabinoids work so effectively to relieve pain when applied topically to the skin?

The skin is an organ and all organs in most animals contain what are known as “cannabinoid receptors”. These receptors are what receive the components of CBD and other Cannabis molecules in order to assist our organisms with what they have evolved to need.  Many can argue that because of the Governments organized campaign against Cannabis and the destroying of many naturally occurring Hemp and Cannabis fields have left many species at a deficit for what our bodies have an affinity for.

Perhaps Cannabis Hemp medicine was too powerful and effective for so may diseases that it would impede on Medical Association profits from manufactured vaccines and pills?


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