Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridge


Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridge

Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridge facts:

Size: 1ml

Vape Cartridge: Size 510 Ceramic and Glass Vape Cartridge

Ingredients: Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate, CBT Extract, Terpenes

Flavor: Natural


Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridge

Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridge facts:

When you buy Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate Vape Cartridges from Potluck Expo you get the highest quality extract and effects in a premium ceramic and glass vape cartridge. There are never any chemical additives in our vapes. We utilize the best manufacturing practices and pass the value on to our customers.

What is Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate?

“Broad” refers to maintaining the total “spectrum” of cannabinoids from the original Hemp flower extract with only .3% or less THC. Often times there is a THC remediation process in order to bring THC content of the extract down to the .3% or less legal level.

What is Full Spectrum CBD Distillate?

“full” refers to maintaining the total “spectrum” of cannabinoids from the original Hemp flower extract including the legal THC amounts from the original flower without any remediation.

What is the best vape cartridge available?

The best vape cartridges are ones that do not leach any chemicals when they are being used. We feel that Ceramic and glass vape cartridges are the best for vape materials because they do not release any toxins when heated up and are all organic materials.


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